Summer is Busy

Anyone else ever think about their younger self? Miss being spontaneous, carefree, and flying by the seat of your pants 24/7. It sounds great in theory… However, these days I feel most “free” when I fall back into my routine. My 20 year old self would die if she saw me now.

  • Having a weekly meal plan and grocery list planned out… YES!
  • Hair and botox appt scheduled next week… YES, YES!
  • Maybe wake up at 6am to read a book and get showered without kids nagging me… HELL YESS!

20 year old me LOVED Summer. And so does mid-30s me! BUT Summer is where routines go to die. Which is great for a few months, but by the end of July I am starting to get the itch to want my routine back. I am ready for kids to go back to school so I can reorganize my life (and my house).

So here we are, at the end of July, time to get in formation and tighten up on that routine!

I know half of you reading this are, AT LEAST, a month past your 3 month toxin appt. Or you canceled your filler appt because you had a vacation and you forgot to reschedule. Or you’ve been out of your skincare products for weeks, because you can’t find time to swing by and pick it up.

This is your friendly reminder to get back on the books! Start planning your Fall treatments now! Let’s be honest, you know you have some making up to do! If you’re broke from summer vacations. No worries, we have monthly payments to make it easy, and affordable, to get your results.

And if you are so far off track, you don’t know where to start back, you are in good company! Just book a free consult and we will get you back on your routine to make sure no one knows you took the summer off!