The Best Results Are Acheived With a Combination of Services

This is why you join a membership.

Best results are achieved with a combination of services. Just getting toxin, isn’t where it’s at ya’ll! Sure it will relax your muscles, but it does NOTHING for the skin on top of your muscles.

Think of it this way. You go to the doctor and are diagnosed with pneumonia. The doctor prescribes an inhaler, an antibiotic, and a steroid. (Healthcare providers, don’t come at me! This is a basic example!) Do you think you would feel better if you only did the inhaler? Eh, maybe a little. But God almighty if you started taking all three medications, you should be feelin’ better and back to work in no time!

It’s the SAME way in aesthetics. If I recommend, skincare, toxin, and a laser. But you only do the toxin. Your results are probably going to be “eh”.

This is why memberships are SO GREAT! It allows you to get the combo of services you need to get results, AND you get them all discounted!

Our Glow Getters members save $1,172 dollars a year on services, and that before the discounts on skincare!! Bad and Bougie members save $1,327 on services a year!

Come see what we’re all about and get some bomb as deals in the meantime!


Corie and your 4esthetics Team